volunteer activity, adaptive sports, students, humanistically oriented societyAbstract
Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, the number of individuals with disabilities has increased. Consequently, the issue of their recovery, socialization, and reintegration into civilian life through the involvement in adaptive sports has become a pressing concern. The organization of training and competitive events for persons with disabilities, in consideration of contemporary circumstances, necessitates not only an expansion in the number of professionals who will engage with this demographic, but also the cultivation of a society that is morally and ethically oriented. The involvement of volunteers in the field of adaptive sports can prove to be a significant factor in addressing these challenges. In light of these considerations, an investigation into the function and significance of volunteering in adaptive sports, and the influence of this undertaking on the development of a society oriented towards humanistic values, becomes a pertinent research topic. The objective is to ascertain the function and importance of volunteering in adaptive sports for the development of a humanistically oriented society. The methodological basis of the study includes analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and contrast, methods of sociological research (questionnaires), and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It has been established that the study of the discipline “Adaptive Sports” contributes to the formation of a humanistic society. Positive dynamics was found for each of the characteristics, namely, understanding of the need and safety of participation in the training and competitive process of people with disabilities, as well as the importance of conducting training sessions together with practically healthy people. After studying the discipline, 60.2% of respondents indicated their readiness to train people with disabilities in the future, and 73.7% - to train together. The data obtained indicate a greater involvement of students in volunteer activities in adaptive sports (by 12.8% more after studying the discipline). The positive dynamics of understanding the basic tenets of inclusiveness by students is proved, which in turn indicates the formation of a tolerant and humanistic society. Conclusion. The study of the essence of volunteering in adaptive sports has formed a positive attitude of young people to the safety and necessity of sports for people with disabilities. It is confirmed that the study of the role and importance of volunteering in adaptive sport contributes to the formation of a humanistic society.
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