motivation, athletes, self-control, psychological properties, physical training, motor activity, motives, sportsAbstract
High performance in sports is closely related to the motivational sphere of a person. Motivation is not only a core characteristic of athletes’ personalities and leads them to their goals, but also affects the nature of all processes that take place during their activities. The main feature of sports motivation is its direct impact on the performance of an athlete. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of sports motivation in athletes aged 15-16 years. The methodology employed in this study comprises an analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, in addition to psychodiagnostic methods and pedagogical experiments. Results. In athletes between the ages of 15 and 16, there is a differentiation of motives for engaging in sports activities into two relatively distinct categories. The first block comprises motives that are positively interrelated and external to the domain of sports activity. These motives are psychological in nature and include the desire for emotional satisfaction, physical self-affirmation, preparation for future professional pursuits, and the development of cognitive and rational-volitional skills. The second block is constituted by interrelated elements pertaining to civic-patriotic, socio-moral, and motivation to achieve success, which are internal to the domain of sports activities. The socio-emotional and motive of social self-affirmation are found to be positively associated with a group of internal motives and negatively associated with all external ones. Competitive and training motivation are negatively related to each other. The competitive motivation is based on the following motives: achievement of success, social self-affirmation, and social and moral motives; the training motivation is based on the motive of emotional satisfaction and rational and volitional motives. The stronger the motivation to play sports, the higher the willingness to make volitional efforts. Conclusions. Sports motivation as a mental state of the athlete’s personality is determined by significant attitudes towards 1) the purpose of sports; 2) sports success; 3) one’s capabilities; 4) out-of-training, educational and competitive activities; 5) the team; 6) the coach. The development of sports motivation is carried out in the direction from externally organized, when these relations are created and actualized mainly under the influence of the social environment and are determined by the peculiarities of a specific situation, to internally organized, determined mainly by the characteristics of the athlete’s personality: characteristics of temperament, sports motives, willpower, abilities to subobjective self-control and self-government. In order to manage the formation of sports motivation, it is necessary to create pedagogical conditions for the emergence, functioning and stabilization of these relations using «bottom-up» and «top-down» psychological mechanisms.
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