


lifestyle, eSports, sportsmen, student youth, genres of computer games, motor activity, healthy lifestyle


Video games have long become an integral part of everyday life and are available to every owner of a game console or personal computer. For many, video games are a great way to pass the time and gain new knowledge. However, for others, it may seem like a waste of time without much benefit. Due to the growing popularity and availability of computer games, they are becoming a significant aspect of the life of the younger generation and influencing the formation of their lifestyle. According to the definition of lifestyle, it is a system of daily practices that reflects the direction and goals of an individual. The article provides a comparative analysis of the lifestyle of cyber-athlete students and student-athletes with different levels of enthusiasm for computer games. Goal. To investigate the popularity of computer game genres among students-athletes and the impact of computer game addiction on their lifestyle. Materials and methods. 125 students (aged 17 to 26) took part in the study. For studies of the impact of involvement in computer games on lifestyle, students were divided into groups: e-sportsmen (12 people), who have played an average of 4592 hours; athletes of various sports (31 people), who are fond of computer games; athletes (82 people), who do not play computer games. The lifestyle questionnaire “Description of personal qualities and state of health of students” was used. The results. The most popular genres of computer games that are admired by student youth have been identified. Students with sports qualifications spend less time playing computer games than students who are not qualified athletes. Every fourth student plays computer games: 58% of respondents name the desire to distract themselves from daily duties as the main reason for this hobby. Cyber-athletes have a lower level of weekly physical activity compared to non-gaming athletes. The study found that nearly 17% of student e-athletes did not engage in any organized physical activity lasting 20 consecutive minutes or more, indicating insufficient physical activity to maintain health. The survey shows that most e-sportsmen sleep less than 7 hours a day, have problems with insomnia, diet and visual acuity. Conclusions. After summarizing research findings, it becomes obvious that young people are a statistically confirmed audience of computer game lovers, whose passion affects the formation of a lifestyle. Our study established relations between computer game addiction and lifestyle outcomes in various health aspects of student-sportsmen.


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