


rowing, crew compatibility, psychological compatibility, functional compatibility, technical compatibility, morphological compatibility, teamwork, performance, principle


In the modern sports world, particularly in academic rowing, understanding and optimizing compatibility among team members and crews have gained significant importance. The increasing international competition and the constant pursuit of improving athletic performance drive the application of innovative training methods and a scientific approach to athlete preparation. The research aims to assess the impact of various compatibility aspects – functional, technical, psychological, and morphological – on the efficiency of interaction within academic rowing crews. Research methods. The research employed an analysis of specialized scientific literature, Internet data, practical experience, expert surveys, and mathematical statistical methods. Expert surveys of Ukrainian rowing coaches helped determine the significance of compatibility aspects in forming successful crews and how these aspects affect the overall team performance. A total of 25 experts participated in the study. Results. The research results indicate that functional (34 points) and technical (31 points) compatibility hold the highest significance for the success of academic rowing crews. Psychological compatibility (45 points) and athletes’ morphological characteristics (60 points) also play essential roles in team synergy formation. Additional data analysis revealed that movement synchronization, uniformity in technical skills, and athletes’ physical readiness directly influence race times and overall crew performance. Psychological resilience and adaptability positively correlated with the effectiveness of team interaction during competitions. Conclusion. The study confirms that a comprehensive approach to determining compatibility in academic rowing crews, which includes the assessment of psychological, functional, technical, and morphological aspects, is essential for enhancing teamwork effectiveness and achieving better athletic performance.


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