


body mass and constitution, height, age, norm, servicewomen


In the preceding year, the number of military specialties open to servicewomen in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased, particularly those involving combat. It is therefore necessary to develop new requirements for the physical fitness of servicewomen, including body weight control. An excess or deficiency of body weight can impair a soldier’s physical preparedness and work capacity, complicate their cognitive abilities, and exacerbate their psycho-emotional state. This, in turn, can negatively impact the performance of combat operations and the accomplishment of special tasks by military units, as well as the preservation of life and health of personnel. Accordingly, the establishment of body weight standards for female soldiers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine will facilitate the monitoring of compliance with the requisite standards, which will ensure the maintenance of a high level of combat capability and reduce the risk of injury to personnel. The objective of this research is to develop the authors’ methodology for establishing body weight norms for servicewomen of varying ages, heights, and body compositions. The research involved the following methods: theoretical analysis and generalization; extrapolation; least squares method; regression analysis. Material. In accordance with the authors’ formula for optimal body weight in women, the minimum and maximum values of the body weight norms for nine age groups of female soldiers with varying heights and body types were determined based on the specifications of official physical fitness tests. Results. It was determined that the minimum body weight for women of varying ages and body compositions is constrained by the body mass index (BMI), with a minimum value of 19.1 k g/m², and the maximum value corresponding to the age-specific limit for each age group. The limits of normal female body weight are determined by a deviation of ±10% from the optimal body weight. Conclusion. The proposed method allows for the estimation of the body weight of female soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account variations in height, age, and body composition. The established norms are in good agreement with the requirements for female soldiers of the US Army aged 17 to 20 years old, the recommendations of the World Health Organization regarding the optimal values of the body mass index, as well as the average level of somatic health of women.


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How to Cite

Mykhaylov, V., Korostylova, Y., & Mykhaylov, V. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF THE METHODOLOGY FOR ESTABLISHING BODY WEIGHT STANDARDS FOR SERVICEWOMEN. Sport Science Spectrum, 2, 102-109.