acrobatic formations, personal characteristics, temperament, motivation, anxietyAbstract
The problem of differentiating the training process is relevant in sports acrobatics, where exercises are performed by partners, with their close interaction, and they may differ in age, character, temperament and gender. Motor and psychological interaction of people in joint activities in various sports is crucial in achieving high results in competitions. Therefore, competitive success is determined by the combined effect of many factors, qualities and abilities, all of which are important and closely interrelated. One of the important tasks of psychological support of the training process in sports acrobatics during training and competitive activity is to take into account the personal characteristics of partners. The objective of this research is to develop and scientifically validate a methodology for fostering a positive psychological climate within an acrobatic composition, with due consideration for the individual personality traits of the participating partners. The research methods employed included a theoretical analysis and generalization of data drawn from scientific and methodological literature, as well as the application of psychodiagnostic techniques, the implementation of pedagogical experiments, and the utilization of mathematical statistical methods. Results. It can be observed that all women’s groups comprise a variety of sociotypes, exhibiting differing degrees of emotional stability and diverse temperamental characteristics. With regard to the five acrobatic formations, it is evident that there is no homogeneity with respect to the dimensions of «introversion–extraversion» and «temperament.» It can be observed that within the female cohort at number 5, all acrobats display a high degree of emotional stability. The implementation of the differentiation method in the educational process, with the objective of improving the psychological climate in the acrobatic composition and developing a motivational climate that takes into account the personal characteristics of the acrobat’s partners, has yielded significantly higher compatibility and effectiveness indicators than those observed prior to the experiment’s commencement (p < 0.05). Additionally, situational anxiety among acrobats has decreased significantly (p < 0.05), as has the reaction to partners and to the trainer’s remarks. The psychological climate in acrobatic teams has also improved significantly (p < 0.05).
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