speed abilities, functional support, special performance, canoe rowers, cardiorespiratory system, aerobic power, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacityAbstract
The objective of the functional support for speed abilities (FSSA) guideline is to enhance the energy reactions and associated characteristics of special performance during competitive activities. The objective is to optimize the reactive properties of the cardiorespiratory system (CRS), which ensures the effectiveness of adaptive processes. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the structural components of the FSSA of canoe rowers, with a particular focus on the specialized orientation of the training process. The following methods were used in the study: ergometry, meta-analysis. Results. The integral structure of functional support for the special performance of canoeists ensures a high level of performance. The components align with the specific requirements of functional support for competitive activities across various segments of the 1000 m distance. The integral structure of FSSA encompasses the alactat and lactat fractions of anaerobic energy supply, aerobic power, and the reactive properties of the CRS. These determine the capacity for mobilization and the efficacy of transitional processes during the modulation of competitive activities over the 1000 m distance. The components of the FSSA structure determine the functional focus of the rowers’ training process: alactate fraction for fast kinetics of CRS during modulation of starting actions (50 m) – EqPACO2 test 10. Lactate fraction for fast CRS kinetics and energy supply during the modulation of the first half of the distance (150 – 500 m) – EqVCO2 -1 test 30; La max test 30. Power and stability of energy reactions, compensation of fatigue in the process of modulating the competitive distance of 1000 m – VO2 max test 90; EqVCO2 -1 test 90; La test 90; La max test 30 / La test 90 x 100%. Conclusion. The structure of FSSA is constituted by specific characteristics of aerobic power, anaerobic power and capacity, and reactive properties of the CRS.
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