


fatigue compensation, steady-state, functional support of special working capacity, high-class athletes, critical power loads


Relevance. In the system of improving the functional support of special working capacity of high-class athletes, critical power loads occupy a pivotal position, serving as a means of mobilizing functional reserves under the strenuous (extreme) conditions of competitive activity. The traditional concept of critical power loads has undergone a process of evolution in accordance with the requirements and target guidelines of contemporary sports training. The objective is to establish a systematic approach to critical power loading in line with the target guidelines for the functional support of high-class athletes’ special working capacity. The following methods were used in the study: systematic review of specialized literature, meta-analysis. Results. The modulation of critical power loads in sports rowing occurs in the conditions of development, compensation and achievement of fatigue. Criteria for assessing critical power loads are based on the characteristics of aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, respiratory compensation response to metabolic acidosis, and the quality and quantity of work performed. The substantive basis for the analysis of functional support of special work capacity is a comparative analysis of physiological and ergometric characteristics of the steady state and fatigue compensation. Conclusion. The application of critical power loads enables the identification of functional reserves among high-class athletes and provides a rationale for the realization of these reserves. In the context of sports training, critical power loads are based on a number of factors, including the interrelation between the initial power output and the time during which it can be maintained, initial power outputs where functional support indicators change over time, reaching their maximum values at the end of the specified work period, the «over effort» – excessive tension load basis, and repeated work modes performed with maximum intensity.


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How to Cite

Diachenko, A., & Wei, Y. (2024). MODERN CONCEPTS OF CRITICAL POWER LOAD OF SKILLED ATHLETES IN CYCLIC SPORTS. Sport Science Spectrum, 2, 74-81.