biomechanical analysis, human movement, modelling, sports technique, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Introduction. In the present era, high-precision quantitative biomechanical analysis of human motor actions is conducted by motion analysis systems that employ both standard digital cameras and specialized high-speed cameras. Nevertheless, no studies have yet examined the characteristics of contemporary motion capture systems from the perspectives of hardware and software. The objective of this study is to present an analytical overview of the features of modern motion capture systems. The methodology employed in this study comprises a theoretical analysis, a systematic and generalised synthesis of contemporary scientific and methodological literature, and an examination of Internet resources pertinent to the research problem. As a result, the wide variety of motion capture systems can be classified according to several criteria, including those that use specialized cameras and those that use standard cameras. In the domain of software, motion capture systems can be classified into two main categories: those that offer qualitative, visual analysis of video clips (such as the ability to merge up to nine video clips into a single video clip or to create a single image with multiple superimposed images of a movement), and those that provide quantitative parameters of motor action. Optical motion capture systems that employ specialized cameras with passive and active motion capture markers facilitate high-precision, detailed biomechanical analysis, with automatic marker identification based on professional software for 3D video motion analysis using up to 256 digital cameras with a resolution of up to 26 megapixels. The potential of motion analysis and modeling technologies, particularly those incorporating artificial intelligence, to automatically trace the coordinates of human body points was considered. As a conclusion of this study, the capabilities of modern motion analysis systems were analyzed depending on the hardware and software. Modern motion analysis systems allow obtaining quantitative and qualitative data on human movements in an objective, informative and real-time manner. The plethora of contemporary motion analysis technologies enables precise evaluation and qualitative examination of an athlete’s technique and motion patterns in both laboratory and field settings. The distinctive features of the BioVideo software for the biomechanical analysis of human motor actions through the use of video recording frames from a standard camera were presented.
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