branding, sport, bibliometrics, cluster analysis, VOSviewerAbstract
In the era marked by swift technological advancement and the widespread influence of social networks and online platforms, the significance of branding in sports has reached unprecedented levels. A thorough understanding of branding’s role as a tool for achieving economic, social, and health-related objectives is imperative for all stakeholders within the sports industry. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate countries that are making substantial contributions to this area, investigate prominent research institutions, and identify productive authors engaged in the study of sports branding. Such an analysis is crucial for gaining deeper insights into the conceptual frameworks and strategic trajectories of the relevant domain within the scholarly arena. Moreover, it gives a nuanced understanding of current trends by leveraging insights gleaned from the finest global practices. Objective. To conduct a bibliometric analysis of the research field “branding in sports” by examining publications within the international scientometric database of the Web of Science Core Collection. Methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and juxtaposition, system analysis, and cluster analysis. Results. The study delves into data pertaining to countries, authors, and research institutions which are most productive in studying branding in sports. By relying on the analysis of 1537 publications, the most active contributors over the past decade were identified, as well as discernible trends marking a growing interest in the subject in recent years. Furthermore, an array of 189 keywords extracted from authors’ works was examined, and through data clustering facilitated by VOSviewer software, five primary clusters emerged. These clusters encompassed topics such as brand engagement, marketing dynamics, athlete personal branding, strategic management, and the global impact of sports branding. The comprehensive analysis sheds light on the nuanced aspects within the research field, delineates associated industries and spheres, fosters a deeper comprehension of the issue, and lays the groundwork for future scientific inquiry into sports branding. This thorough examination illuminates the intricate dimensions within the research field, clarifies interconnected industries and domains, deepens understanding of the issue, and provides a framework for future scientific inquiries into sports branding.
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