


military personnel, women, body mass, fat component, muscle component


Introduction. The relevance of studying the physical development and body composition of female military personnel is determined by the necessity to comprehensively study their anthropometric characteristics in order to improve physical training programs and ensure overall physical health. In addition, consideration of these characteristics can contribute to the enhancement of professional duties performance by female military personnel, particularly under armed conflict. Purpose. The aim of this study is to analyze the results of comprehensive body measurements, local fat distribution in the body, and body composition. Research methods. Theoretical methods, anthropometric methods, bioimpedance analysis, and methods of mathematical statistics were used to achieve the set goal. Results. Analysis of body measurements in female military personnel by median values showed that the neck, shoulder, wrist, chest, waist, hip, and thigh measurements were within age norms, with coefficients of variation for each parameter not exceeding 14.6%, indicating homogeneity of the group in these parameters. However, analysis of the waist-to-hip ratio revealed that 3.3% (n=1) of individuals showed abdominal obesity. Analysis of the local fat distribution in the body revealed a range of fat mass values from a minimum of 3.0 mm to a maximum of 24.0 mm, with the minimum value recorded for the biceps skinfold and the maximum value observed for the skinfold below the shoulder blade. Analysis of data from 5 skinfold measurements showed high variability, with coefficients of variation ranging from 28.60% to 58.94%, indicating significant differences in these parameters among the group of female military personnel. Analysis of body composition results revealed the presence of individuals with excess body weight, as their body mass index values at the 75th percentile were 27.1 kg·m-2. Furthermore, we found that the highest fat mass was observed in the torso (27.8% to 31.2%) and lower extremities (27.5% to 37.9%), while the lowest fat mass was found in the right arm (27.8%) and left arm (29.1%). Regarding muscle mass, the highest values were found in the torso (24.3 to 25.5 kg), while the lowest values were found in the right arm (2.1 kg) and left arm (2.0 kg). Conclusions. The results of this pedagogical experiment have important practical value for modifying the training process of female military personnel. The identification of individuals with excess body weight indicates the need to adjust the physical training program to ensure an optimal level of physical fitness. Such an approach can contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of military service under armed conflict and maintaining combat readiness.


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