


children aged 12–15, health, behavioral orientations, physical activity


The World Health Assembly has determined that 23% of adults and 81% of adolescents (aged 11–17) do not meet global physical activity recommendations, which provoke ensuing consequences for the health of citizens and the public health index. In the guiding documents of the World Health Organization, key guides are defined for the popularization of physical activity among the younger generation and its implementation, where the achievement of society’s sustainable development goals is determined through the strategy of building an ecologically safe and healthy educational environment. Objective. To determine the influence of behavioral orientations on the health of children aged 11–15 in the context of physical activity. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature; a method of predicting the health of adolescents taking into account their motor activity; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It was established that the prognostic presence of health risks among girls from urban schools is lower by 48.53% when compared with the data of girls from rural schools, where the indicator was 60.42%. 39.58% of girls from rural schools are not at risk of declining health, which is 11.89% lower than girls from urban schools (51.47%). For boys aged 12–15, the presence of a decline in health was higher for representatives of rural schools (54.35%), in urban schools this indicator was noted in 53.73% of boys. Accordingly, 46.27% and 45.65% of boys from urban and rural schools do not have health risks. This was influenced by the following determinants: the presence of chronic diseases, sleep duration, low family income, lack of physical activity in the daily life of parents, lack of joint physical activity with parents, the frequency of playing sports and its duration per week.


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