



physical activity, sports grounds, schoolchildren, educational institutions


Introduction. According to the World Health Assembly, more than 80% of adolescents aged 11–17 do not follow the current international recommendations for a minimum of one hour of physical activity per day (among girls, it is 85% and 78% among boys). In the context of increasing physical activity, it is advisable to increase the efficiency of the use of sports facilities in educational institutions of various levels. Today, in our country, the network includes sports facilities for more than 160 sports and active leisure activities. The problem of the condition of sports grounds and their intended use is only fragmentarily considered in research. It is worth noting the growing requirements not only to the design but also to their intended use, and therefore, it is important to study the peculiarities of school students’ use of sports grounds of educational institutions, especially in areas affected by hostilities, one of which is Sumy. Objective. To define types of students’ motor activity and peculiarities of using open sports grounds at the educational institutions of Sumy. Methods. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the method of a survey for the estimation of types of students’ motor activity at open sports grounds, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In Ukraine, there are specific problems related to the use of sports grounds by school students. Limited resources, outdated infrastructure, and varying awareness of the importance of physical education cause these problems. As a result, many school students do not have adequate opportunities to engage in regular physical activity, which negatively affects their overall development and well-being. The findings showed that the most popular out-of-school time physical activities among the relevant group of children are outdoor games, football, walking, and exercises with the use of gymnastic equipment. Children, with few exceptions, were mostly evenly involved in various types of physical activity in different time periods.


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