


mobile application, calories, nutrition, strength fitness


The article is devoted to the development and usage of mobile applications for optimizing nutrition in strength fitness. The application of advanced digital technologies, especially for monitoring athletes’ nutrition in strength fitness, often does not receive adequate attention. The use of mobile applications within the educational and training process in strength fitness will help effectively develop and manage training programs, taking into account individual characteristics. Objective. To develop a mobile application for optimizing nutrition in strength fitness. Methods. Analysis of scientific-methodical literature, documentary materials, and Internet data, testing, analysis of questionnaire data. Results. The content and practical value of the main functional capabilities of the most popular mobile applications for monitoring nutrition have been analyzed. The expediency of creating a specialized application that would meet the needs of individuals engaged in strength fitness and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of their training process through nutrition optimization was substantiated. A cross-platform application for strength fitness was developed, distinguished by its economical use of resources, high reliability, and fast access to information. The developed application has the following feature set: program settings and account management; profile management (height, weight, gender, target weight); calorie counting (automatic calculation of calories based on entered data; tracking of burned and consumed calories per day/week); measurements (tracking the athlete’s body weight, constructing a weight chart). For the development of the strength fitness industry, it is important to examine and introduce innovative digital tools for nutrition control, including the development of specialized mobile applications and intelligent dietary analysis systems.


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