


health, value, schoolchildren, lesson, class


The article examines the value orientations of teenagers. It is the system of value orientations that determines the meaningful side of an individual’s orientation, attitude to the environment and to himself, which ultimately constitutes his life concept and lifestyle. The study and analysis of value orientations will increase the level of motivation for physical education classes and contribute to improving the health of the younger generation. The goal is to determine the value orientation of teenagers during physical education. Research methods: the following research methods were used to achieve the goal: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaire of value orientations by M. Rokych, and methods of mathematical statistics. The results. The most important terminal values for boys are: health (physical and mental) – 31.37 points; good and reliable friends – 31.13 points; satisfaction (life full of pleasures, pleasant pastime, lots of entertainment) – 30.68 points; love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one) – 30.48 points, and self-confidence (freedom from internal contradictions and doubts) – 30.28 points. A similar trend is observed in girls. They attributed the following to the core of values: good and reliable friends – 31.03 points; health (physical and mental) – 30.84 points; satisfaction (life full of pleasures, pleasant pastime, lots of entertainment) – 30.78 points; love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one) – 30.6 points and, unlike boys, interesting work – 30.47 points. The general rating of priority instrumental values for boys and girls is almost the same. The difference is only in the first two positions: boys – honesty (truthfulness, sincerity) – 30.34 points; education (good manners, politeness) – 30.24 points; girls – cheerfulness (sense of humor) – 30.25 points; courage in defending one’s opinion and views – 29.94 points. The third to fifth positions were taken by the following instrumental values: responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one’s word) – 29.93 points and 29.84 points, respectively; rationalism (the ability to think soberly and logically, make thoughtful decisions) – 29.2 points and 29.24 points, respectively, and education (erudition, high general culture) – 28.8 points and 29.2 points, respectively. Conclusions. Thus, it is confirmed that the priorities of teenagers’ value orientations change every year: what was important to them in the 5th grade falls down to the “tail” of values (“health” in the 11th grade takes the 15th place), and, what was ignored (“beauty” in the 5th grade) is moved to the priority category in the 11th grade.


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