


internally displaced persons, mature age, psychophysical state, quality of life


The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of life quality and depression among internally displaced mature women. They are particularly vulnerable among internally displaced persons (IDPs), especially in the context of the Ukraine-Russia war. Methods. To achieve the research objective, a complementary set of methods was used, including theoretical analysis and systematization of scientific research on the psychophysical state of IDPs and their quality of life, as well as sociological methods and statistical calculation methods. Results. The research analyzed the levels of depressive states among internally displaced mature women who left their homes up to three months ago. It was found that 51.04% of respondents reported a mild level of depression, while 19.8% had a moderate (subdepressive) state, and 18.8% experienced a high level of depressive state. The results indicate a high prevalence of depressive symptoms among the relevant group of women, emphasizing the need for attention to their mental health and the provision of psychological support and access to psychosocial assistance to improve their quality of life. Furthermore, the quality of life of internally displaced mature women was assessed – 45.8% indicate a moderate level. Significant emphasis was placed on the physical component of quality of life, where the average level of physical quality was 42.59 points. Special attention should be paid to aspects such as overall health status and physical activity, which demonstrate deficiencies. The results provide a basis for further research and the development of interventions to improve the physical and psycho-mental well-being of the population. The conclusions discuss the necessity of addressing the mental and physical health of internally displaced mature women. In addition, it is highlighted the importance of recreational physical activity to counteract the reduction in quality of life and depressive states. The analysis of data indicates the relevance of further research and program development to enhance the psychophysical state and overall quality of life of the population group concerned.


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