


streaming, esports, Twitch, YouTube Gaming, Facebook Gaming, multimedia content, monetization, viewer audience, digital media, innovative technologies, mobile devices


Esports is experiencing significant development in the modern world, largely due to the influence of mass media, the internet, and particularly streaming platforms. This growth and development are transforming esports from a niche hobby into a mainstream phenomenon, attracting millions of viewers worldwide. The interaction between streamers and their audience fosters community building and maintains interest in esports. Streaming platforms offer unique experiences for viewers through interactive features such as live chats and subscriptions. Streaming also plays a crucial role in the career development of professional players and teams, as well as in the monetization of esports. Objective. To explore the contemporary phenomenon of streaming and demonstrate its significance and the impact of streaming platforms on the popularization and development of esports. Research Methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature and internet data, examination of streaming platforms, and statistical methods. Results. Platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming have significantly altered the esports landscape, making it more accessible and popular. The study confirms the substantial impact of streaming platforms on the popularization of esports. Twitch, in particular, maintains leadership as the primary platform for streaming esports events, showcasing a high volume of viewing hours and active monthly users. YouTube Gaming and Facebook Gaming contribute to esports development by expanding the audience and providing additional monetization opportunities for content. The analysis reveals that interactive features of streaming platforms enhance the interaction between streamers and viewers, creating a unique experience and fostering community building. Streaming has proven to be an essential tool for the career advancement of professional players, offering a platform for reputation building and sponsor engagement. A stable internet connection with sufficient speed is identified as a key factor for quality streaming, making streaming an integral part of the esports industry. Conclusion. As an innovative technology, streaming has a significant impact on the development of esports and digital media, offering new opportunities for audience engagement and content monetization. Platforms such as Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming have facilitated the transformation of esports into a global phenomenon, opening new horizons for professional players, teams, and event organizers. The evolution of streaming technologies, supported by broadband internet and mobile devices, continues to reinforce its role as a primary channel for multimedia content access, making streaming a key element in the future of digital entertainment and multimedia communications.


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